Thank you for celebrating with us at the 2023 President's Circle Dinner. We are excited to honor your generosity to Girl Scouts and to look forward to celebrating with you!
Your contributions support our annual SHARE Your Love of Girl Scouting initiative which benefits Girl Scouts, volunteers, and camps by supporting
- Financial Assistance
- Girl Scout Programing
- Volunteer Support & Training
- Camp Maintenance and other Camp Needs
Here are examples of what SHARE can fund:
A $5,000 gift makes it possible for 8 Girl Scouts to go to sleep away camp.
A $2,500 gift provides a year of Girl Scouting to 7 members in underserved communities.
A $1,000 gift helps a Troop travel to a Destination.
A $575 gift provides a campership to one Girl Scouts.
A $350 gift supports a year of Girl Scouting for one member.
Thank you for supporting Girl Scouts Nation's Capital this year!